August 5, 2010

Idle Itching

So I tried to sit and watch a movie the other day with nothing in my hands.

Bad Idea.

Now I'm making this!

At the last Knitting Is Sexy calendar launch, I wore this shawl, which was RAD so don't knock it cuz its called a 'shawl'!  No, I am not a granny!  Anywho, wanted to make something a bit more modern, and not so last-minute.

Enter my addiction to a French magazine called Phildar.  They make yarn and patterns, and I got hold of one of their English versions of the mag to make this little number.  Even the translation into English is questionably at times, but I think I got it figured out!

You can see how RAD this sweater is, as is everything else in the mag.  Someone tell me why Vogue Knitting has THIS in their fall lineup for August 2010:

I don't care if you put a top hat, bow tie, or a Ferrari with this cardigan.  It's still a CARDIGAN.  Can you wear a cardigan to a Knitting is Sexy calendar launch?  Doesn't that make knitting UNsexy?  And, Vogue Knitting is the most fashion-forward knitting in the US.  The rest of it is all Christmas sweaters.  Come on, USA, you can learn more from the French than just how to make fries.

I think Sy is pretty stoked that I am not talking my face off about photography anymore.  It's keeping me quiet. ;)

1 comment:

  1. Hi-the cardigan can be very sexy. Depends what you wear it with/not with!
