June 28, 2010

Estonian Starflower Baby Blanket


It is FINALLY done!  Pseudo code to self:

IF birth_date > (sysdate - 5 months)
THEN project = 'Estonian Starflower Baby Blanket'
Bail, and get something at TARGET.

I really thought because it was so small that I could whip it out, but I very quickly learned that lace patterns are a biotch!  But, it was super fun to make, I can't lie.  Hm, do I go sew bags to stockpile inventory, or do I drink wine on the couch knitting this adorable number while watching a "What Not To Wear" marathon?


I woke up the morning I was going to give this to little miss Charlotte at our BBQ, finished it up, washed it, blocked it, and let it dry OUTSIDE since I had like AN HOUR before they showed up.  Plus I had to finish pulling weeds, clean up dog poo, trim the yard, do some laundry, etc.  I had 2 cups of coffee intravenously that morning and it all worked out fine. :)


  1. OH man, you finished the day we got there and pulled off a fantastic BBQ? I'm totally impressed!! I LOVE this blanket and feel so special to be the lucky one to receive it. Charlotte is going to be attached to this thing, I'm sure of it. Also, had a friend over yesterday and she walked right over to the blanket (currently hanging over the side of the crib) and said, "This is handmade, and gorgeous, who did this?" haha, she knew I couldn't pull it off! So, yeah, you are getting compliments already!

  2. I'm curious about the edge stitch pattern. I've just started a starflower mohair shawl and I'm thinking what kind of edging would look really good. Would you share? (ContentedKyrie@gmail.com) or (contentedkyrie on Ravelry)

  3. Its very beautiful .how can i get this pattern.
